Angol Tanszéki Csoport Kollekció kezdőoldala

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Collection's Items (Sorted by beküldés dátuma in Csökkenő order): 1 to 20 of 49
Kiadás dátumaCímSzerző(k)
2024Lingusitic knowledge development in the areas of phonology and morphology through reflectionSvalyavchik Peter; Szváljávcsik Péter; Свалявчик Петро
2024The problems of ambiguity during language translationVeres Fruzsina; Вереш Фружина
2024Description and analysis of the 19th century English private education system as represented in the novels „Agnes Grey” by Anne Bronte and „Jane Eyre” by Charlotte BronteVarga Adrienn; Варга Адріен
2024Peculiarities of realia translation in Jane Austen’s Pride And prejudice and Virginia Woolf’s Mrs Dalloway novelsStercli Szabina; Штерцлі Сабіна
2024The Difference Between EFL Students’ Preferred Learning Styles and EFL Teachers’ Preferred Teaching Styles in TranscarpathiaCsilla Kiralyi; Királyi Csilla; Кіралі Чілла
2024The system of transfer operations from English into Hungarian/UkrainianHomoki Edina; Гомокі Едіна
2024The unconditional love concept in Jojo Moyes’ literary works (Me before you, After you, Still me)Balogh Klaudia; Балог Клавдія
2024Foreign Language Acquisition Difficulties: Diagnosing Individual DifferencesTuly Alexandra; Туль Олександра
2024A sweeping satirical picture of Victorian England in Ch. Dickens’s early novels: specifics of English national humourTorszka Angelika; Торська Анжеліка
2024Aspects of the use of innovative technologies in teaching English to students of non-linguistic facultiesStoika Myroslav; Sztojka Miroszláv; Стойка Мирослав
2024Lexico-stylistic and structural peculiarities of American advertising copyMariia Komiati; Komjáti Mária; Ком'яті Марія
2024Imagery in the works of J.K. Rowling and J.R.R. TolkienErika Fidias; Figyász Erika; Фідяс Еріка
2024The relationship between students' perceptual learning style preferences, language learning strategies and vocabulary sizeBarbara Csuri; Csüri Barbara; Чурі Барбара
2023Genesis of British dystopian fiction: from social and political paradigm to the depths of human natureКovach Natalia; Ковач Наталія; Kovács Natália
2023Modern foreign language learning changes in strategy useIvan Danko; Данко Іван; Dankó Iván
2023EFL vocabulary size and students' perceptual learning style preferencesVass Robert; Ваш Роберт; Vass Róbert
2023E. Hemingway's "A farewell to arms" vs. R. Aldington's "A death of a hero": comparative study in WWI novelsDanylchenko Bogdana; Данильченко Богдана; Danilcsenkó Bogdána
2023The impact of text message slang on English language learners' communication developmentMark Popovych; Попович Марк; Popovics Márk
2023Barriers to utilizing listening strategies by EFL learners and their pedagogical implicationsViktoriya Kochish; Кочіш Вікторія; Kocsis Viktória
2023First language transference in the acquisition of English as a foreign languageChulak Silvia; Чулак Сільвія; Csulák Szilvia
Collection's Items (Sorted by beküldés dátuma in Csökkenő order): 1 to 20 of 49