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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 49
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023The effects of EFL variables on motivation and the learning outcomeVass Nikoletta; Ваш Ніколетта
2023Listening development strategies in and out of EFL instructional settingsBajus Boglarka; Баюс Богларка; Bajusz Boglárka
2023Difficulties in translation of film titlesKovacs Gergo; Ковач Ґерґо; Kovács Gergő
2022Національно маркована лексика як об’єкт перекладу (на матеріалі англомовного перекладу роману Ю. Андруховича «Рекреації»)Шольмош Бріґіттa; Sholmosh Brigitta; Solymos Brigitta
2022Features of Successful Language LearnersKopasz Rozália; Копас Розалія
2022Translating Culture – Bound References in the Tourism TextsHidi Dávid; Гіді Давід
2022The Impact of Video Games on Foreign Language AcquisitionOrosz Gábor; Орос Габор
2022Moral and Ethical Issues of Charles Dickens’s Novels: Philosophy of Pain, Suffering and EvilTetiana Madyarchik; Мадярчик Тетяна; Magyarcsik Tetyána
2022Utilizing Musical and Motion Language Games at the Lessons of English in the Primary SchoolAnna Hulpa; Гульпа Анна; Hulypa Anna
2022The Reflective Practitioner: Permanent Language Teacher DevelopmentDónát Zsuzsanna; Довнат Жужанна
2022The Role of Modern Educational Technologies in Teaching English as a Foreign LanguageDiana Barna; Барна Діана; Barna Diána
2022Analysing teaching materials used in the English classroom in TranscarpathiaSzoboszlai Viktória; Собослай Вікторія
2022The effects of personality traits on verbal and interactive behaviours of EFL learnersSomi Katalin; Шомі Каталін
2022Pragmatic analysis of newspaper articlesPetrusinec András; Петрушинець Андрій
2022Comparing the External Independent Testing in English (ZNO) in Ukraine and the English Matura examination in HungaryOrosz Melánia; Орос Меланiя
2022EFL Instructional Discourse for Reading Comprehension DevelopmentKohutics Andrea; Когутич Андрея
2022Emerging Mobile Apps to Improve English Listening SkillsKomári István-Dominik; Комарі Іштван-Домінік
2022Translation of realia in Conan Doyle's stories about Sherlock HolmesRabos Andzselika; Рабош Анжеліка
2022Reading comprehension difficulties and reading strategies used by learners of EFLNagy Zsolt; Надь Жолт
2022Audio-Visual Means of Enriching Students' VocabularyKarpinecz Krisztián; Карпинець Крістіан
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 49