Ezzel az azonosítóval hivatkozhat erre a dokumentumra forrásmegjelölésben vagy hiperhivatkozás esetén: https://dspace.kmf.uz.ua/jspui/handle/123456789/165
Cím: Foreign-language comprehension, composition skills and strategy use
Szerző(k): Siladi Vasyl
Szilágyi László
Сіладі Василь
Kulcsszavak: language learning strategies;language acquisiton;foreign language literacy
Kiadás dátuma: 2019
Kiadó: CPN Publishing Group
Típus: dc.type.extendedAbstract
Hivatkozás: In Komarytskyy M. L. (ed.): Perspectives of world science and education. Abstracts of III International scientific and practical conference Osaka, Japan 27-29 November 2019. Japan, CPN Publishing Group, 2019. pp. 184-190.
Absztrakt: Abstract. The comprehension of foreign language text and the writing of written text have been the focus of domestic and international research several times. This paper combines the two areas with area-specific strategy use. Reading comprehension and written writing assignments play a dominant role in foreign language teaching.
Leírás: https://sci-conf.com.ua/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/perspectives-of-world-science-and-education_27-29.11.19.pdf
URI: http://dspace.kmf.uz.ua:8080/jspui/handle/123456789/165
ISBN: 978-4-9783419-8-3
metadata.dc.rights.uri: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/us/
Ebben a gyűjteményben:Szilágyi László

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Szilagyi_L_Foreign_language_comprehension_composition_skills_2019.pdfIn Komarytskyy M. L. (ed.): Perspectives of world science and education. Abstracts of III International scientific and practical conference Osaka, Japan 27-29 November 2019. Japan, CPN Publishing Group, 2019. pp. 184-190.572.36 kBAdobe PDFMegtekintés/Megnyitás

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