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Cím: Lectures and Method-Guides for Seminars on the Course for Choice. Basic problems of speech act theory
Szerző(k): Tomash Vrabel
Mykhailo Poluzhyn
Врабель Томаш
Михайло Полюжин
Vrábely Tamás
Kulcsszavak: speech act theory;performatives;illocutionary act;indirect speech act;cooperative principle;pragmatics
Kiadás dátuma: 2005
Kiadó: Ліра
Típus: dc.type.educationalAid
Hivatkozás: М.М. Полюжин, Т.Т. Врабель: Lectures and Method-Guides for Seminars on the Course for Choice. Basic problems of speech act theory. Ужгород, Ліра, 2005. 102 с.
Absztrakt: The present set of method-guides and plans for seminars on the course for choice “Basic problems of speech act theory” is intended for the 5th year students of the day-time Department. It is based on the requirements for University Faculties of Foreign Languages. The structure of these plans, the number of themes included and the interpretation of the material is determined by the standard syllabus of instruction and the up-to-date manuals in speech act theory. The list of recommended literature contains the most authoritative manuals and articles published on the topic. The students’ assignment for independent work is to get them acquainted with the material available in the list of recommended literature by taking notes of the books read, which gives a deeper insight into the problems dealt with at the lectures in basic theoretical courses. The planned independent work with a special consideration of the items mentioned in the method-guides aims at providing a more profound comprehension of the problems of speech act theory, acquiring skills and habits of methods and procedures of pragmatic analysis, critical assessment of diverse viewpoints and concepts, stimulating the students into forming their own views on problematic and controversial issues of speech act theory. Thus the present set of method-guides and plans has its aim to assist the students of the English Department in their study of fundamentals of speech act theory, favours the better acquisition of this essential linguistic discipline. In preparing this set the authors have tried to take into consideration the latest achievements in speech act theory and the other branches of linguistics it is linked with.
URI: http://dspace.kmf.uz.ua:8080/jspui/handle/123456789/215
ISBN: 966-82-66-29-3
Ebben a gyűjteményben:Vrábely Tamás

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Speech Act Theory.pdfМ.М. Полюжин, Т.Т. Врабель: Lectures and Method-Guides for Seminars on the Course for Choice. Basic problems of speech act theory. Ужгород, Ліра, 2005. 102 с.2.27 MBAdobe PDFMegtekintés/Megnyitás

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