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Title: Intercultural Communication in Translation
Authors: Tomash Vrabel
Vrábely Tamás
Врабель Томаш
Keywords: intercultural communication;translation;source text;target text;source language;target language
Issue Date: 2020
Publisher: Barca Academy Publishing
Type: dc.type.conferenceAbstract
Citation: In Komarytskyy M. L. (ed.): Eurasian scientific congress. Abstracts of III International scientific and practical conference Barcelona, Spain 22-24 March 2020. Barcelona, Barca Academy Publishing, 2020. pp. 365-368.
Abstract: Abstract. The article deals with revealing issues and prospects of intercultural communication, as well as the way translation functions in the latter overcoming the difficulties emerging in the “translation of cultures”. The author comes to the conclusion that the choice of a suitable way of translation depends on the function of the text being translated and the aim of translation, though other, more subjective factors may render influence as well, e.g. the translator‘s personal aesthetic preferences.
ISBN: 978-84-15927-31-0
Appears in Collections:Vrábely Tamás

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Vrabely_T_Intercultural_Communication_in_Translation_2020.pdfIn Komarytskyy M. L. (ed.): Eurasian scientific congress. Abstracts of III International scientific and practical conference Barcelona, Spain 22-24 March 2020. Barcelona, Barca Academy Publishing, 2020. pp. 365-368.453.55 kBAdobe PDFView/Open

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