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Title: ’...the opium of the people’? Religiosity in socialist new towns
Other Titles: ‘... l’opium du peuple’? Religiosité dans les villes nouvelles socialistes
Authors: Berki Márton
Sivadó Brigitta
Keywords: religiosity;socialist new towns;Hungary;socialism;post-socialism
Issue Date: 2018
Publisher: Société Royale Belge de Géographie
Type: dc.type.researchStudy
Citation: In Belgeo-Revue belge de géographie. 2018/4. 18 p.
Series/Report no.: ;4.
Abstract: Abstract. The paper scrutinizes religiosity in two Hungarian socialist new towns, Dunaújváros and Kazincbarcika, during and after socialism. Based on the results of the research, two main arguments might be outlined. First, it was revealed that religiosity played an important role in the daily lives of the residents of both new towns during the state socialist period. Second, in contrast to our initial assumption of a remarkable religious revival after 1989, only a slightly increasing (and then, rather stagnating) religiosity was observed in both case study towns. Therefore, our research results might contribute to the deconstruction of the over-simplified common view of ‘atheism under socialism’ vs. ‘a religious revival in the post-socialist era’.
ISSN: 2294-9135
Appears in Collections:Társadalomföldrajzi folyamatok Kelet-Közép-Európában: problémák, tendenciák, irányzatok – 1. kötet

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Berki_Marton_Sivado_B_The_opium_of_the_people_2023.pdfIn Belgeo-Revue belge de géographie. 2018/4. 18 p.734.91 kBAdobe PDFView/Open
Berki_Marton_S_Brig_Secularization_or_a_religious_revival_religiosity_in_Dunaujvaros_2020.pdfIn Berghauer Sándor et al. (szerk. biz.): Társadalomföldrajzi folyamatok Kelet-Közép-Európában: problémák, tendenciák, irányzatok. Nemzetközi földrajzi konferencia Beregszász, 2020. március 26–27. Tanulmánykötet. 1. kötet. Ungvár, „RIK-U” Kft., 2020. pp. 65-72.723.84 kBAdobe PDFView/Open

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