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Назва: Students’ critical literacy development: a study of teachers’ instructional practices
Автори: Failasofah Failasofah
Ключові слова: critical literacy;students;Indonesia
Дата публікації: 2018
Видавництво: „RIK-U” Kft.
Вид документа: dc.type.conferenceAbstract
Бібліографічний опис: In Nagy-Kolozsvári Enikő – Kovács Szilvia (szerk.): Multikulturalizmus és diverzitás a 21. században. Nemzetközi tudományos konferencia Beregszász, 2018. március 27-28. Absztraktkötet. Ungvár, „RIK-U” Kft., 2018. p. 94.
Короткий огляд (реферат): Abstract. As a multilingual country, the teachers are mandated by the government to train students to have an ability to interpret the meaning of a text functionally in context, an ability to comprehend the social function of discourses, and an ability to interact with others in their society in a proper behavior. Teachers should expose their students to use their critical literacy capacity in the real life situation. This study will examine the development of Indonesian high school students’ critical literacy skill based on teachers’ instructional practice report. Critical literacy skills in this study are coding practices, text-meaning practices, pragmatic practices, and critical practices (Luke, 2000). Self-evaluation questionnaire using Likert scale 1 to 5 responses will be distributed to 30 English teachers. The interpretation of mean score will be categorized into five levels; very low, low, medium, high and very high. The findings will be used as preliminary data to find an effective instructional model to improve student critical literacy skills in multicultural and multilingual situation.
Опис: https://kmf.uz.ua/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/Multicult-Diversity_Book-of-Abstracts_23-10-2018.pdf
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): https://dspace.kmf.uz.ua/jspui/handle/123456789/2990
ISBN: 978-617-7692-09-5
metadata.dc.rights.uri: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/us/
Розташовується у зібраннях:Multikulturalizmus és diverzitás a 21. században

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Failasofah_Failasofah_Students_critical_literacy_development_a_study_of_teachers_2018.pdfIn Nagy-Kolozsvári Enikő – Kovács Szilvia (szerk.): Multikulturalizmus és diverzitás a 21. században. Nemzetközi tudományos konferencia Beregszász, 2018. március 27-28. Absztraktkötet. Ungvár, „RIK-U” Kft., 2018. p. 94.776.73 kBAdobe PDFПереглянути/Відкрити

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