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Cím: Aurignacian industry types and their «fossiles directeurs» in the Carpathian Basin and East Bohemian Massif: a new study attempt
Szerző(k): Yuri E. Demidenko
Демиденко Юрій
Demidenko Jurij
Škrdla Petr
Béres Sándor
Rats Adalbert
Рац Адальберт
Rácz Béla
Kulcsszavak: Carpathian Basin;East Bohemian Massif;«fossiles directeurs»
Kiadás dátuma: 2019
Kiadó: Institute of Archaeology-Slovak Academy of Sciences
Típus: dc.type.extendedAbstract
Hivatkozás: In Adrián Nemergut et al. (eds.): 16th SKAM Lithic Workshop “Fossil directeur”. A phenomenon over time and space (21-23 of October 2019, Nitra, Slovak Republic). Abstract book. Nitra, Institute of Archaeology-Slovak Academy of Sciences, 2019. pp. 15-17.
Absztrakt: Abstract. In spite of more than a century long Aurignacian studies in the Carpathian Basin and East Bohemian Massif of the Middle Danube region (since the discovery of Krems-Hundssteig site – Strobl & Obermaier 1909) and even some synthesis works done during last 10 years (e.g. Nigst 2012; Demidenko, Škrdla, Nejman 2017; Chu 2018), understanding of various Aurignacian industries and their specific artifacts (“fossils directeurs / fossil types”) is still far from clear. The present study attempts to summarize some data from the most understandable so far for us sites and their materials on the subject using an Aurignacian sensu stricto chronological-industrial type sequence. Proto-Aurignacian / Aurignacian 0 is the only now Aurignacian industry type that can be placed into the time period preceding Heinrich Event 4 (HE-4) and Campanian Ignimbrite (CI) eruption, ca. 46 000 – 40 000 cal BP, GI-12 – GI-9. Proto-Aurignacian “fossil types” can be seen through the presence of serial bladelet “carinated” cores, lamelles Dufour of Dufour subtype and Krems points. Proto-Aurignacian sites are known in Lower Austria (KremsHundssteig), Romanian Banat (Coşava, Romaneşti-Dumbrăviţa, Tincova), Ukrainian Transcarpathia (Beregovo I), possibly some materials in Vojvodina’s Banat (Crvenka-At) and maybe in Eastern Resava (Orlovača cave, levels 4-3c) in Serbia, as well as in Eastern Slovakia (e.g. Tibava).
URI: https://dspace.kmf.uz.ua/jspui/handle/123456789/3342
ISBN: 978-80-8196-034-5
metadata.dc.rights.uri: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/us/
Ebben a gyűjteményben:Demidenko Jurij
Rácz Béla

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Racz_Bela_Aurignacian_industry_types_and_their_fossiles_directeurs_2019.pdfIn Adrián Nemergut et al. (eds.): 16th SKAM Lithic Workshop “Fossil directeur”. A phenomenon over time and space (21-23 of October 2019, Nitra, Slovak Republic). Abstract book. Nitra, Institute of Archaeology-Slovak Academy of Sciences, 2019. pp. 15-17.1.95 MBAdobe PDFMegtekintés/Megnyitás

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