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dc.contributor.authorФілеп Михайлоuk
dc.contributor.authorFilep Mykhailoen
dc.contributor.authorFilep Mihályhu
dc.contributor.authorПогодін Артемuk
dc.contributor.authorPogodin Artemen
dc.contributor.authorШендер Іринаuk
dc.contributor.authorShender Irynaen
dc.contributor.authorМалаховська Тетянаuk
dc.contributor.authorMalakhovska Tetyanaen
dc.contributor.authorБіланич Віталійuk
dc.contributor.authorVitaliy Bilanychen
dc.contributor.authorКохан Олександрuk
dc.contributor.authorOleksandr Kokhanen
dc.identifier.citationIn Український хімічний журнал. 2023. Том 89., № 4. c. 102-114.en
dc.identifier.issn2708-1281 (Print)-
dc.identifier.issn2708-129X (Online)-
dc.identifier.otherDOI: 10.33609/2708-129X.89.04.2023.102-114-
dc.descriptionРедакційна колегія:
dc.description.abstractРезюме. У цій роботі представлено дослідження керамічних матеріалів на основі твердих розчинів Ag6+xP1-xGexS5I (х =0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75), виготовлених із мікрокристалічних по-рошків. Тверді розчини Ag6+xP1-xGexS5I у формі керамік одержано методом холодного пресування з подальшим відпалом. Мікропорошки твердих розчинів Ag6+xP1-xGexS5I досліджували методом рентгенівського фазового аналізу, а кераміки – вимірюванням мікротвердості. Для всіх досліджуваних керамік спостерігаємо зменшення значень мікротвердості H при зростанні навантаження P, що вказує на присутність прямого розмірного ефекту. За одержаними значеннями індекса Мейєра (n = 1.78 ÷ 1.81) вста-новлено, що досліджувані матеріали належать до м'яких матеріалів.uk
dc.description.abstractAbstract. This paper presents the preparation of mic-rocrystalline powders of Ag6PS5I, solid solu-tions of Ag6+xP1-xGexS5I (x = 0.25, 0.5, 0.75) and ceramic materials based on them. The micro-hardness of the ceramic samples was measured and the effect of heterovalent substitution of P5+↔Ge4+ on the mechanical properties of the studied samples was determined.The synthesis of initial Ag6PS5I and neces-sary for doping Ag7GeS5I was performed from the high purity elemental components (Ag, P, Ge, S) and previously synthesized binary AgI. Solid solutions of the Ag6+xP1-xGexS5I (x = 0.25, 0.5, 0.75) composition were synthesized from previously synthesised Ag6PS5I and Ag7GeS5I taken in stoichiometric amounts by a direct one-temperature method. As a result, poly-crystalline bulk alloys of Ag6+xP1-xGexS5I solid were obtained.Microcrystalline Ag6+xP1-xGexS5I powders were obtained from the synthesized polycrys-talline alloys by mechanical grinding (agate mortar). The powders were sieved through sieves with a pore size of 20 μm and 10 μm to obtain a fraction of crystallites with a size of 10-20 μm. The phase composition of the obtained powders was studied by means of XRD method. It has been found that the pow-der patterns of the studied samples are cha-racterized by the presence only of one system of reflexes corresponding to the face-centred cubic cell with SG F-43m.The resulting micropowders were pressed (P ~ 400 MPa) in the form of discs and an-nealed at 650 °С in vacuum quartz ampoules. The microhardness of the ceramics obtained in this way was measured by the Vickers method.For all ceramics, a decrease in the microhard-ness H is observed with an increase in the load P. This indicates that a direct size effect is observed for ceramics made on the basis of solid solutions of Ag6+xP1-xGexS5I. The obtained values of microhardness at a load of P > 1–1.5 Nare independent of the load, which indicates the achievement of intrinsic hardness.Meyer's law was used to further analyze the microhardness and size effect of Ag6+xP1-xGexS5Isolid solutions. The obtained values of the Meyer's index for Ag6+xP1-xGexS5I based ce-ramics are in the range n = 1.78 ÷ 1.81, which demonstrates the implementation of a direct size effect in these samples and indicates that the studied ceramics belong to soft materials. The concentration dependence of the micro-hardness indicates that an increase in the Ger-manium content in ceramic materials of solid solutions of Ag6+xP1-xGexS5I leads to a decrease in the microhardness of the materials.en
dc.relation.ispartofseries;Том 89., № 4.-
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States*
dc.titleМікротвердість керамічних матеріалів на основі аргіродиту Ag6PS5I, легованого Geen
dc.title.alternativeMicrohardness of ceramic materials based on Ge-DOPED ARGYRODITE Ag6PS5Ien
Appears in Collections:Filep Mihály

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