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Cím: Structure, electrical conductivity, and Raman spectra of (Cu1–xAgx)7GeS5I and (Cu1–xAgx)7GeSe5I mixed crystals
Szerző(k): Studenyak Ihor
Студеняк Ігор
Pogodin Artem
Погодін Артем
Viktor Studenyak
Студеняк Віктор
Filep Mykhailo
Філеп Михайло
Filep Mihály
Oleksandr Kokhan
Кохан Олександр
Peter Kus
Peter Kúš
Yuriy Azhniuk
Ажнюк Юрій
Dietrich Zahn
Kulcsszavak: Mixed crystals;Electrical conductivity;Fast-ion conductors;Raman spectroscopy
Kiadás dátuma: 2021
Típus: dc.type.collaborative
Hivatkozás: In Materials Research Bulletin. 2021. Volume 135. 9 p.
Sorozat neve/Száma.: ;Volume 135.
Absztrakt: Abstract. The structure of (Cu1–xAgx)7GeSe5I mixed crystals with Cu+↔Ag+substitution is described and compared to (Cu1–xAgx)7GeS5I employing the results of X-ray diffraction (XRD) and the atomic coordinates by Rietveld refinement. Based on the electrical measurements, the compositional behaviour of ionic and electronic conductivity as well as the ratio of ionic and electronic components of conductivity for (Cu1–xAgx)7GeS5I and (Cu1-xAgx)7GeSe5I is discussed. Raman spectra of (Cu1-xAgx)7GeSe5I and (Cu1-xAgx)7GeSe5I are consistent with the XRD data regarding their cubic structure. A one-mode compositional behaviour of the most prominent peak (corresponding to the vibrations of GeS4 or GeSe4 tetrahedra) under Cu→Ag cation substitution is observed, an unexpectedly strong shift of the peak frequency with x reveals its marked effect on the dynamics of GeS4 or GeSe4 tetrahedra. Compounds with high Ag content undergo photochemical surface transformations under laser irradiation during Raman measurements.
Leírás: Editorial board: https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/materials-research-bulletin/about/editorial-board Contents: https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/materials-research-bulletin/vol/135/suppl/C
URI: https://dspace.kmf.uz.ua/jspui/handle/123456789/3403
ISSN: 0025-5408 (Print)
1873-4227 (Online)
metadata.dc.rights.uri: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/us/
Ebben a gyűjteményben:Filep Mihály

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I_Studenyak_A_Pogodin_V_Studenyak_Structure_electrical_conductivity_and_Raman_spectra_2021.pdfIn Materials Research Bulletin. 2021. Volumen 135. 9 p.5.6 MBAdobe PDFMegtekintés/Megnyitás

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