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Title: Термоелектричні параметри монокристалів зі структурою аргіродиту в системах Cu7PS6–Cu6PS5Br та Cu7PS6–Cu6PS5I
Other Titles: Thermoelectric parameters of single crystals with argyrodite structure in Cu7PS6–Cu6PS5Br and Cu7PS6–Cu6PS5I systems
Authors: Філеп Михайло
Filep Mykhailo
Filep Mihály
Погодін Артем
Pogodin Artem
Лучинець Михайло
Luchynets Mykhailo
Когутич Антон
Anton Kohutych
Малаховська Тетяна
Malakhovska Tetyana
Кохан Олександр
Oleksandr Kokhan
Сабов Мар’ян
Sabov Marjan
Szabó Marján
Студеняк Ігор
Studenyak Ihor
Keywords: аргіродити;тверді розчини;коефіцієнт Зеєбека;концентраційна залежність
Issue Date: 2020
Publisher: ДВНЗ Ужгородський національний університет
Type: dc.type.collaborative
Citation: In Науковий вісник Ужгородського університету. Серія Фізика. Випуск 47. c. 44-54.
Series/Report no.: Серія Фізика;Випуск 47.
Abstract: Резюме. Монокристали твердих розчинів в системах Cu7PS6–Cu6PS5Br та Cu7PS6–Cu6PS5I вирощені методом спрямованої кристалізації з розплаву. Термоелектричні параметри твердих розчинів Cu7−xPS6−xBrx та Cu7−xPS6−xIx досліджувалися в інтервалі температур 293–383 К. Проаналізовано концентраційну поведінку коефіцєнта Зеєбека, а також вивчено вплив гетеровалентного заміщення на зміну його величини в монокристалах твердих розчинів Cu7−xPS6−xBrx та Cu7−xPS6−xIx. Проведено порівняння величини коефіцієнта Зеєбека для бінарних халькогенідів купруму та досліджуваних купрумвмісних аргіродитів.
Abstract. Purpose. The purpose of this research was to growth single crystals in Cu7PS6–Cu6PS5Br and Cu7PS6–Cu6PS5I systems, investigate the temperature dependences and compositional behaviour of Seebeck coefficient of Cu7−xPS6−xBrx and Cu7−xPS6−xIx mixed crystals, analyze the influence of heterovalent substitution on Seebeck coefficient values. Methods. Crystal growth was carried out using pre-synthesized Cu7PS6, Cu6PS5Br and Cu6PS5I compounds. Single crystals of initial compounds and solid solutions Cu7−xPS6−xBrx (x=0.05; 0.15; 0.2; 0.5; 0.75; 0.9), Cu7−xPS6−xIx (x=0.05; 0.1; 0.15; 0.2; 0.5; 0.75; 0.9) were growth by direct crystallization from melt. Obtained crystals were investigated by XRD technique. The temperature dependences of Seebeck coefficient were measured in the temperature range of 293–383 K at a heating rate of 30 K/h and temperature gradient which not exceed 5 K. Temperature dependences of Seebeck coefficient for individual compounds Cu7PS6, Cu6PS5Br(I) and solid solutions based on them were obtained in the heating mode. Results. Based on the measurements of thermoelectric parameters, established that for all single crystals in Cu7PS6– Cu6PS5Br and Cu7PS6–Cu6PS5I systems the values of the Seebeck coefficient in the studied temperature range are negative, which indicate the electronic type of conductivity (n-type). In the Cu7PS6–Cu6PS5Br system, with an increase of temperature in the range of 293–383 K, the absolute values of Seebeck coefficient increase monotonically for individual compounds Cu7PS6 (by 1%), Cu6PS5Br (by 10%) and solid solution with x = 0.05 (by 24%). For compositions x = 0.05; 0.15; 0.2; 0.5; 0.75 and 0.9, the absolute values of Seebeck coefficient decrease by an average of 22%. In the Cu7PS6–Cu6PS5I system, with an increase of temperature in the range of 293–383 K, the absolute values of Seebeck coefficient increase monotonically only for individual compounds Cu7PS6 (1%), Cu6PS5I (11%), and in the case of all solid solutions the absolute values of Seebeck coefficient decrease on average by 19%. Compositional dependences of Seebeck coefficient are characterized by anomalous behaviour. Thus, in the Cu7−xPS6−xBrx system the maximal absolute values of Seebeck coefficient are reached at х=0.05 (-966.8 µV/K at 373K) and for Cu7−xPS6−xIx system – at х=0.15 (-563.2 µV/K at 373K). The anomalous behaviour of the compositional dependences of Seebeck coefficient in the investigated systems in both cases are observed for solid solutions which are crystallized in P213 space group.. Conclusions. Single crystals in Cu7PS6–Cu6PS5Br and Cu7PS6–Cu6PS5I systems were grown by the method of direct crystallization from the melt. The thermoelectric parameters of Cu7−xPS6−xBrx and Cu7−xPS6−xIx solid solutions were studied in the temperature range of 293–383 K. The compositional behaviour of the Seebeck coefficient was analyzed and the influence of heterovalent substitution on the change of Seebeck coefficient in Cu7−xPS6−xBrx and Cu7−xPS6−xIx solid solutions were studied. The value of Seebeck coefficient for binary copper chalcogenides and investigated copper–containing argyrodites was compared.
ISSN: 2415-8038
Appears in Collections:Filep Mihály
Szabó Marján

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