Ezzel az azonosítóval hivatkozhat erre a dokumentumra forrásmegjelölésben vagy hiperhivatkozás esetén: https://dspace.kmf.uz.ua/jspui/handle/123456789/3510
Cím: Deportations to Uzhgorod during the 1956 Hungarian Revolution and War of Independence according to the Transcarpathian Archival Documents
Szerző(k): Natalia Varadi
Вароді Наталія
Váradi Natália
Kulcsszavak: Transcarpathia;deportation;Uzhgorod
Kiadás dátuma: 2019
Kiadó: Skleněný Můstek-MCNlP
Típus: dc.type.researchArticle
Hivatkozás: In L. N. Katjuhin, I. A. Salov, I. S. Danilova, N. S. Burina (eds.): ADVANCES OF SCIENCE. Proceedings of articles the international scientific conference Czech Republic, Karlovy Vary -Ukraine, Kyiv, 5 April 2019. Karlovy Vary-Kyiv, Skleněný Můstek-MCNlP, 2019. pp. 14-26.
Absztrakt: Abstract. A large number of the Transcarpathian documents from 1956 can be found in the State Archive of the Security Service of Ukraine in Uzhgorod. Two remarkable papers provide detailed information about the deportation of the participants of the revolution of 1956: the ―Yeltsin-dossier‖ and the Missing Pages from the History of 1956. Besides these works, I attempt to provide a broader insight into the deportations to the Soviet Union relying on the documents kept in the Transcarpathian archive. The ―Hungarian government‖, which came into existence in Moscow in the first days of November 1956 and was led by János Kádár, was supported by many loyal cadres to ―restore the order‖. One of the first measures was the organisation of deportations to the Soviet Union.
URI: https://dspace.kmf.uz.ua/jspui/handle/123456789/3510
ISBN: 978-80-7534-078-8
metadata.dc.rights.uri: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/us/
Ebben a gyűjteményben:Váradi Natália

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Varadi_Natalia_Deportations_to_Uzhgorod_during_the_1956_Hungarian_2019.pdfIn L. N. Katjuhin, I. A. Salov, I. S. Danilova, N. S. Burina (eds.): ADVANCES OF SCIENCE. Proceedings of articles the international scientific conference Czech Republic, Karlovy Vary -Ukraine, Kyiv, 5 April 2019. Karlovy Vary-Kyiv, Skleněný Můstek-MCNlP, 2019. pp. 14-26.373.77 kBAdobe PDFMegtekintés/Megnyitás

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