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Title: Rural tourism in the conditions of the paradigm of sustainable development
Authors: Лариса Безкоровайна
Larysa Bezkorovaina
Венгерська Наталя
Natalia Venherska
Валентина Воронкова
Valentina Voronkova
Regina Andriukaitiene
Щука Галина
Scsuka Halina
Shchuka Halyna
Keywords: sustainable development;rural tourism
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: Kolping Higer Education Institution
Type: dc.type.collaborative
Citation: In Challenges and Social Responsibility in Business. International Applied Research Conference Proceedings. Kaunas, Kolping Higer Education Institution, 2024. pp. 43-46.
Abstract: Abstract. Among the goals of sustainable development, the tourism industry is one of the largest global industries. The sustainable development of tourism is taking into account the current and future economic, social, and environmental consequences of tourism activities in accordance with the requirements of travelers, the specifics of the tourism industry, and environmental conditions. Rural tourism as a type of tourism satisfies society's needs for rest, recreation, knowledge of the environment and its harmless use, development of rural areas. Therefore, the question of studying rural tourism is relevant.
ISSN: 2029-7130
Appears in Collections:Scsuka Halina

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