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dc.contributor.authorFedinec Csillahu
dc.contributor.authorФединець Чіллаuk
dc.contributor.authorCsernicskó Istvánhu
dc.contributor.authorCsernicsko Istvanen
dc.contributor.authorЧерничко Степанuk
dc.identifier.citationIn Kisebbség Kutatás. 2012. 21. évfolyam, 3. szám. pp. 568-609.en
dc.description.abstractAz ukrajnai nyelvpolitika az ország függetlenségének immár több mint két évtizede alatt gyakorlatilag folyamatosan napirenden volt. Egyik fontos szakasza 2012-ben az új nyelvtörvény elfogadása. Tanulmányunkban e lezáratlan folyamatnak alapvetően 2012 májusa és szeptembere közé és ő időszakát elemezzü
dc.description.abstractAbstract. The Ukrainian policy on state language has been permanently on agenda during the last two decades of the independence of the state. An important stage represents the new law on languages passed in 2012. The Law of Ukraine on the fundamentals of the state language policy – besides the fact that just like the Constitution and its predecessor from 1989, defi nes Ukrainian as the only state language – provides that in administrative districts where the rate of users of a certain language reaches 10% of the population the minority language can be used alongside with the state language in public administration, in the work of organs of self-governments, court proceedings, public life, education etc. However, politicians, political analysts, linguists and intellectuals have various theoretical and practical concerns in this regard. In our study we examine the era of this unfi nished course between May and September 2012.en
dc.publisherLucidus Kiadóen
dc.relation.ispartofseries;21. évfolyam, 3. szám-
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States*
dc.subjectkisebbségi nyelvekhu
dc.titleNyelvtörvény Saga Ukrajnában: a lezáratlan 2012-es fejezeten
dc.title.alternativeThe Saga of Language Law in Ukraine: the Unaccomplished Chapter of the Year 2012en
Appears in Collections:Csernicskó István

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