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dc.contributor.authorPapp Lajos Attilahu
dc.contributor.authorMohammadhassan Foroughbakhshfasaeien
dc.contributor.authorFiser Bélahu
dc.contributor.authorBela Fiseren
dc.contributor.authorФішер Бейлоuk
dc.contributor.authorHorváth Péterhu
dc.contributor.authorKiss Eszterhu
dc.contributor.authorKhaled Sekkoumen
dc.contributor.authorGyéresi Árpádhu
dc.contributor.authorHancu Gabrielen
dc.contributor.authorNoszál Bélahu
dc.contributor.authorSzabó Zoltán‐Istvánhu
dc.contributor.authorTóth Gergőhu
dc.identifier.citationIn Chirality. 2020. Volume 32., Issue 2. pp. 158-167.en
dc.identifier.issn0899-0042 (Print)-
dc.identifier.issn1520-636X (Online)-
dc.description.abstractAbstract. A direct HPLC method was developed for the enantioseparation of pantoprazole using macrocyclic glycopeptide‐based chiral stationary phases, along with various methods to determine the elution order without isolation of the individual enantiomers. In the preliminary screening, four macrocyclic glycopeptide‐based chiral stationary phases containing vancomycin (Chirobiotic V), ristocetin A (Chirobiotic R), teicoplanin (Chirobiotic T), and teicoplanin‐aglycone (Chirobiotic TAG) were screened in polar organic and reversed‐phase mode. Best results were achieved by using Chirobiotic TAG column and a methanol‐water mixture as mobile phase. Further method optimization was performed using a face‐centered central composite design to achieve the highest chiral resolution. Optimized parameters, offering baseline separation (resolution = 1.91 ± 0.03) were as follows: Chirobiotic TAG stationary phase, thermostated at 10°C, mobile phase consisting of methanol/20mM ammonium acetate 60:40 v/v, and 0.6 mL/min flow rate. Enantiomer elution order was determined using HPLC hyphenated with circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy detection. The online CD signals of the separated pantoprazole enantiomers at selected wavelengths were compared with the structurally analogous esomeprazole enantiomer. For further verification, the inline rapid, multiscan CD signals were compared with the quantum chemically calculated CD spectra. Furthermore, docking calculations were used to investigate the enantiorecognition at molecular level. The molecular docking shows that the R‐enantiomer binds stronger to the chiral selector than its antipode, which is in accordance with the determined elution order on the column—S‐ followed by the R‐isomer. Thus, combined methods, HPLC‐CD and theoretical calculations, are highly efficient in predicting the elution order of enantiomers.en
dc.description.sponsorshipThis work was supported by the Transylvanian Museum Society and the Faculty of Pharmacy of Semmelweis University (grant contract no. 99/2019, L.A. Papp) and by the János Bolyai Research Scholarship of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (G. Tóth). The financial support from Semmelweis Innovation Found (STIA‐M‐17 and STIA‐18‐KF) and from Bolyai + New National Excellence Program (grant number: UNKP‐19‐4‐SE‐28) of the Ministry for Innovation and Technology is highly appreciated (G. Tóth). The GITDA (Governmental Information‐Technology Development Agency, Hungary) is also gratefully acknowledged for allocating computing resources used in this work. B. Fiser thanks the support from the EU, Hungary and the European Regional Development Fund within the framework of the GINOP‐2.3.4‐15‐2016‐00004 project.en
dc.relation.ispartofseries;Volume 32., Issue 2.-
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States*
dc.subjectchiral separationen
dc.subjectmolecular modellingen
dc.subjectonline circular dichroismen
dc.subjectproton pump inhibitoren
dc.titleReversed‐phase HPLC enantioseparation of pantoprazole using a teicoplanin aglycone stationary phase—Determination of the enantiomer elution order using HPLC‐CD analysesen
Appears in Collections:Fiser Béla

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