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Title: Ultrasonic cavitation assisted deposition of catalytically active metals on nitrogen-doped and non-doped carbon nanotubes — A comparative study
Authors: Vanyorek László
Prekob Ádám
Hajdu Viktória
Muránszky Gábor
Fiser Béla
Bela Fiser
Фішер Бейло
Sikora Emőke
Kristály Ferenc
Viskolcz Béla
Keywords: Palladium;Adsorption;Nitrogen doped;Carbon nanotubes
Issue Date: May-2020
Publisher: Elsevier
Type: dc.type.collaborative
Citation: In Journal of Materials Research and Technology. 2020. Volume 9., Issue 3. pp. 4283-4291.
Series/Report no.: ;Volume 9., Issue 3.
Abstract: Abstract. By applying ultrasonic cavitation, palladium particles were deposited onto the surface of two different types of carbon nanotubes (nitrogen-doped bamboo-shaped carbon nanotubes, N-BCNT and multiwalled carbon nanotubes, MWCNT). To achieve this, palladium ions have been reduced by the adsorbent (N-BCNT or MWCNT) itself. Hydroxyl functional groups were identified on the surface of the MWCNTs, while amine groups have been found on the N-BCNTs. The Zeta potential was lower (−9.8 mv) in the case of the N-BCNT sample, than for MWCNT (−6.1 mV), which was in accordance with their different dispersibility in aqueous phase. The incorporated nitrogen atoms and their oxidized forms within the N-BCNT structure lead to increased adsorption capacity and thus, this type of nanotube is more efficient adsorbent for Pd particles, than MWCNT. The higher adsorption capacity of the N-BCNTs can be explained by the presence of nitrogen atoms which increase the interaction between the Pd and nanotubes. Both Pd/nanotube systems show high catalytic activity (after 30 min – 99% aniline yield) in hydrogenation of nitrobenzene to aniline. Thus, palladium coated carbon nanotubes were synthetized in a one-step reduction procedure, and the produced composites are applicable as catalysts in heterogeneous hydrogenation reactions.
ISSN: 2238-7854 (Print)
2214-0697 (Online)
Appears in Collections:Fiser Béla

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