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dc.contributor.authorVanyorek Lászlóhu
dc.contributor.authorPrekob Ádámhu
dc.contributor.authorHajdu Viktóriahu
dc.contributor.authorMuránszky Gáborhu
dc.contributor.authorFiser Bélahu
dc.contributor.authorBela Fiseren
dc.contributor.authorФішер Бейлоuk
dc.contributor.authorSikora Emőkehu
dc.contributor.authorKristály Ferenchu
dc.contributor.authorViskolcz Bélahu
dc.identifier.citationIn Journal of Materials Research and Technology. 2020. Volume 9., Issue 3. pp. 4283-4291.en
dc.identifier.issn2238-7854 (Print)-
dc.identifier.issn2214-0697 (Online)-
dc.description.abstractAbstract. By applying ultrasonic cavitation, palladium particles were deposited onto the surface of two different types of carbon nanotubes (nitrogen-doped bamboo-shaped carbon nanotubes, N-BCNT and multiwalled carbon nanotubes, MWCNT). To achieve this, palladium ions have been reduced by the adsorbent (N-BCNT or MWCNT) itself. Hydroxyl functional groups were identified on the surface of the MWCNTs, while amine groups have been found on the N-BCNTs. The Zeta potential was lower (−9.8 mv) in the case of the N-BCNT sample, than for MWCNT (−6.1 mV), which was in accordance with their different dispersibility in aqueous phase. The incorporated nitrogen atoms and their oxidized forms within the N-BCNT structure lead to increased adsorption capacity and thus, this type of nanotube is more efficient adsorbent for Pd particles, than MWCNT. The higher adsorption capacity of the N-BCNTs can be explained by the presence of nitrogen atoms which increase the interaction between the Pd and nanotubes. Both Pd/nanotube systems show high catalytic activity (after 30 min – 99% aniline yield) in hydrogenation of nitrobenzene to aniline. Thus, palladium coated carbon nanotubes were synthetized in a one-step reduction procedure, and the produced composites are applicable as catalysts in heterogeneous hydrogenation reactions.en
dc.description.sponsorshipThis research was supported by the European Union and the Hungarian State, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund in the framework of the GINOP-2.3.4-15-2016-00004 project, aimed to promote the cooperation between the higher education and the industryen
dc.relation.ispartofseries;Volume 9., Issue 3.-
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States*
dc.subjectNitrogen dopeden
dc.subjectCarbon nanotubesen
dc.titleUltrasonic cavitation assisted deposition of catalytically active metals on nitrogen-doped and non-doped carbon nanotubes — A comparative studyen
Appears in Collections:Fiser Béla

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