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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 101 to 120 of 154
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2021Vocabulary Teaching Through MusicTóth Eszter Gabriella; Товт Естер Габріелла
2021Comparative analysis of English and Ukrainian types of humourTihor Mihály; Тігор Михайло
2021Characteristics of good English language learners: evidence from empirical researchSzénéca Vadim; Синиця Вадим
2021Creative ways of Language Teaching in the EFL ClassroomMark Popovics; Popovics Márk; Попович Марк
2021Films as a Potential Teaching Tool in Secondary School English ClassesPapp Melinda; Попп Мелінда
2021Reading comprehension of Form 9 learners: evidence from tests and questionnairesNagy Katalin; Нодь Котолін
2021Current trends in language teachingNikoletta Maryan; Мар'ян Ніколетта; Marjan Nikoletta
2021The Manifestation of Native language in EFL teachingMakó Eugénia; Маков Еугенія
2021How to Get the Meaning of a New Vocabulary by Using Two Strategies; Dictionary and/or Guessing “inference”Maczkó Soma Sándor; Мацко Шома Шандор
2021The impact of motivation on vocabulary development of English language learnersKirályi Erik; Кіралі Ерік
2021Effective Methods to Form and Improve Learners’ Spelling SkillsHapák Makszim; Гопак Максим
2021Foreign language learning difficultiesViktoria Doma; Doma Viktória; Дома Вікторія
2021Vocabulary learning strategies of secondary school pupilsDemján Jaroszláv; Дем'ян Ярослав
2021The relationship between language learning strategies, the rate and quality of foreign language acquisitionCsüri Barbara; Чурі Барбара
2021Listening Strategies and their Applications in EFL ClassroomBajusz Boglárka; Баюс Богларка
2019Preparing school-leavers for the use-of-english part of the external independent testing in englishKopcsa Karolina; Копча Кароліна
2019Santiago as a code hero in the novel „The old man and the sea” by E. M. HemingwayTóth Diana; Товт Діана
2017Learners’ readiness for autonomous learningBaranyi Eszter; Бороні Естер
2017How motivated Transcarpathian hungarian teenagers are to learn englishMárton Réka; Мартон Рейка
2017Lexical innovations in Chaucer’s Canterbury TalesGajdos Zoltán; Гайдош Золтан
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 101 to 120 of 154