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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 121 to 140 of 154
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2017The relationship between learner autonomy and vocabulary learning strategiesLiszjuk Anett; Лисюк Анетт
2017Intentional vs incidental vocabulary learningSzilberhar Erzsébet; Сільбергар Ержебет
2017Learner creativity in the process of learning englishKovács Alexandra Kitti; Ковач Олаксандра Кітті
2017Teaching reading comprehension to young learners in schools of TranscarpathiaPopovics Mária; Попович Марія
2015Listening comprehension in English: Tasks for upper-primary school pupilsPál Izolda; Пал Ізольда
2014The Conflict Between Aestheticism and Morality in Oscar Wilde's Novel “The Picture of Dorian Gray”Kóré Dóra; Коврей Дора
2011Problems of teching speaking in the senior classes of the hungarian secondary schools of TranscarpathiaOrgován (Kun) Renáta; Оргован (Кун) Рената
2010Teaching intonational aspect of English in the senior formsHásznyuk Marianna; Гаснюк Маріанна
2010The Novelty of Walt WhitmanPopovics János; Попович Іван
2020Teaching and assessing intercultural communicative competence at english lessonsGacs Evelin; Гоч Евелін
2020Developing reading literacy at primary schoolMartin Cintia; Мартин Цінтія
2020Folk music as a tool of enriching english vocabulary of students in primary schoolVeselényi Adrien; Вешелені Адріана
2020Teaching reading strategies in the 9th formNagy Zsolt; Надь Жолт
2020English vocabulary learning strategies of senior studentsVasylchuk Olga; Vaszilcsuk Olga; Васильчук Ольга
2020Love and loss in Thomas Hardy’s literary worksVaszilcun Kamilla; Васильцун Камілла
2020Assessing progress and achievement in the foreign language classroomTóth Krisztina; Товт Крістіна
2020The effectiveness of vocabulary testing techniques in the upper-primary schoolSzoboszlai Viktória; Собослай Вікторія
2020Stress and language anxiety management among EFL learnersHidi Dávid; Гіді Давід
2020Vocabulary memorizing strategies used by EFL learnersRabos Andzselika; Рабош Анжеліка
2020Anglo-american borrowings in the vocabulary of young and adult native speakers of ukrainianPomaszkina Olena; Помаскіна Олена
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 121 to 140 of 154