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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 141 to 154 of 154
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2020Students’ approaches to vocabulary learning and their relarionship to achievement levelPetrusinec András; Петрушинець Андрій
2020Novice english language teachers in Transcarpathian hungarian schools: main problemsOrosz Melánia; Орос Меланія
2020Taking responsibility for the learning process: motivation and self-regulationMegyesi Krisztina; Медьеші Крістина
2020Fairy tales in teaching english language skillsMashtaler Brigitta; Машталер Бріґітта; Mástaler Brigitta
2020Developing reading comprehension in the 5th and 6th formsMalimon Diana; Малимон Діана; Malimon Diána
2020The effect of mobile applications on english vocabulary acquisitionMagyar Diána; Мадяр Діана
2020Symbolism in E. M. Hemingway’s novel “The old man and the sea”Keller Szófia; Келлер Софія
2020Addressing the needs of english language learnersBurkalo Timea-Taiszia; Буркало Тімея-Таїсія; Burkálo Tímea-Taiszia
2020The characteristics and comparison of international language exams: experience of examineesBenkő Réka Adrien; Бенкев Река Адріен
2020Critical thinking abilities and vocabulary learning strategiesDiana Barna; Барна Діана; Barna Diána
2020Aim, perspectives and teaching methods of a language school in Transcarpathia: a case studyBárány Karolina-Mária; Барань Кароліна-Марія
2020Online social networking and their influence in learning english as a foreign languageHrebinec Dániel; Гребинець Даніел
2020English nursery rhymes as a source of motivation to young learnersKohutics Andrea; Когутич Андрея
2020The teaching practicum of English major students: expectations and the realityÁrgyelán Andrea; Арделан Андрея
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 141 to 154 of 154