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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 154
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024Distance education in foreign language teachingViktoriia Tobiash; Tóbiás Viktória; Тобіаш Вікторія
2024Using songs to support vocabulary development in primary educationSeregi Roland; Шерегі Роланд
2024Music and songs and their impact on language learningGresinyec Karolina; Грешинець Кароліна
2024The Value of Songs, Rhymes and Poems in Teaching English to Young Learners in Transcarpathian SchoolsLukovics Veronika; Лукович Вероніка
2024Video games as a new form of language acquiring methodKutasi Letíszia; Letisia Kutasi; Кутоші Летисія
2024Difficulties in language learning in the elementary classes in TranscarpathiaKrecskovszka Oxána; Oxana Krechkovska; Кречковська Оксана
2024Life affirming philosophy in the novel of Danielle Steel “Beautiful”Valeria Kovalyuk; Ковалюк Валерія; Kovalyuk Valéria
2024Age-dependent language pedagogy aspects of foreign language acquisitionZsofia Horky; Horky Zsófia; Горкі Софія
2024Aspects of digital learning among foreign language learners in secondary educationJozsef Holozsai; Holozsai József; Голожаі Йожеф
2024Gamification as a novel method in teaching EFL to upper secondary studentsGlóger Károly; Karoly Gloger; Глогер Кароль
2024Developing EFL pupils’ lexical competenceAlexandra Vekasi; Vékási Alexandra; Вейкаші Олександра
2024Activities in the online and offline Communicative ClassroomBadak Emese Erika; Бодок Емеше-Еріка
2024Developing students' speaking skills through gamesHenrietta Bilak; Bilák Henrietta; Білак Генріетта
2024Non-verbal communication components on the InternetBarna Alexandra; Барна Олександра
2023The role of e-learning resources in teaching English as a foreign languagePeres Vivien; Переш Вівіен
2023Digital learning for the digital environmentTóth Vivien; Товт Вівіен
2023Mother tongue interference in learning EnglishGreta Izsak; Іжак Грета; Izsák Gréta
2023Vocabulary instruction in TEFLMolnar Eva; Молнар Єва; Molnár Éva
2023Social, historical and psychological characterization of the epoh in the historical novel "Ivanhoe" by Walter ScottBetsa Ivan; Беца Іван; Beca Iván
2023The theme of morality, beauty and false values in Oscar Wilde's novel "The picture of Dorian Gray"Gerzanych Alina; Герзанич Аліна; Gerzánics Alina
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 154