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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 154
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023Using ICT tools in ELTTyrpak Julia; Тирпак Юлія; Tirpák Júlia
2023The role of ICT in teaching EFL to young learnersNagy Emilia; Нодь Емілія; Nagy Emília
2023A comparative analysis of foreign language learning difficultiesGecse Angela Karolina; Гейче Ангела-Кароліна; Gécse Angéla Karolina
2023Learning style preferences of foreign language learnersEugenia Madar; Madár Eugénia; Модар Еугенія
2023The role of innovative technologies in learning a foreign languageCzebely Sandor; Цейбей Олександр; Czébely Sándor
2023The role of games in the process of developing the creative potential of junior schoolchildren during learning a foreign languageTrofimenko Oleksandra; Трофименко Олександра; Trofimenkó Alexandra
2023Teaching English to generation y studentsBundovics Zsanett; Бундович Жанетт
2023Corpus-based analysis of idioms expressing emotions in EnglishConinec Krisztina; Цонинець Христина; Tsoninets Christina
2023Measuring English reading comprehension of Form 9 learnersBalog Fanni; Балог Фанні
2023Poetics of human spirit in Ernest Hemingway's novella "The old man and the sea"Anna-Kristina Tovt; Товт Анна-Крістіна; Tóth Anna Krisztina
2023Dramatic contradictions of human existence in the novel "The old man and the sea" by E.M. HemingwayBorka Marinella; Борка Марінелла
2023The power of music when teaching English to very young learnersSimku Lenart; Сімку Лейнарт; Szimku Lénárt
2023Use of Electronic Resources in Teaching and Learning EFL in Higher EducationPeter Andrea; Пейтер Андреа; Péter Andrea
2023Variability of translations as a psycholinguistic manifestation of the translator's personality (based on the material of Ukrainian translations from Lord George Gordon Byron`s lyrics)Hovdi Anastasiia; Говді Анастасія; Gódi Anasztázia
2023Native language as a positive factor in EFL learningVictoria Patricia Hapak; Гопак Вікторія Патріція; Hapák Viktória Patrícia
2023The development of intercultural communication competence in the lessons of English at secondary school levelRatkovsky Viktoria; Ротковська Вікторія; Ratkovszky Viktória
2023Communicative and pragmatic features of speech etiquette in online communication in various linguistic cultures (based on Hungarian and English linguistic cultures)Gerush Tibor; Гейруш Тіберій; Gérus Tibor
2023CALL development in EFL classroomsBerta Erika; Берта Еріка
2023The role of visual aids in teaching a foreign language in the primary schoolTovt Kitti; Товт Кітті; Tóth Kitti
2023The theme of difficult childhood in Charlotte Bronte’s “Jane Eyre” and Charles Dickens’ “Oliver Twist”Lupcsó Bettina; Лупчов Беттіна
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 154