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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 61 to 80 of 154
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023The impact of online video games on language learnersLakes Erik; Локес Ерік; Lakesz Erik
2023Using mobile technology in language learningFodor Cintia; Фодор Цінтія
2023The effectiveness of pronunciation activities on teaching English in different age groupsBocskor Emília; Бочкор Еміліа
2023Creative ways of teaching English in the primary schoolBidzilya Dorina-Viktoria; Бідзіля Доріна-Вікторія; Bidzilla Dorina Viktória
2023Reflection of principled eclectisism in EFL instructional contextKutasi Cintia; Кутоші Цінтія
2022Effect of Bilingualism on Foreign Language AcquisitionStash Diana; Сташ Діана; Stas Diána
2022The Level of English Vocabulary Knowledge of Form 7 LearnersVasyl Lemak; Лемак Василь; Lemak Vaszil
2022Stylistic peculiarities of functioning of neologisms in modern English (based on British press)Vladislava Bondarenko; Бондаренко Владіслава
2022The moral aspects of human relationships in the reflection of J. Austen’s “Pride and Prejudice”Mészár Katalin; Мейсар Катерина
2022Multimedia Assisted Vocabulary Teaching in the EFL ClassroomKirályi Csilla; Кіралі Чілла
2022Applying interactive methods in teaching English as a foreign language in secondary schools of TranscarpathiaSherban Nikoletta-Pamela; Serbán Nikoletta-Pamela; Шербан Ніколетта-Памела
2022Foreign language learning difficulties of high-school learnersRevák Brigitta; Ревак Брігітта
2022Teaching Reading to English Language Learners, in grades 6-12Darcsi Nelli-Evelin; Дорчі Неллі-Евелін
2022Autonomous language learning in secondary educationHauptman Krisztina; Гауптман Крістіна
2022Successful and unsuccessful English language learnersSvalyavchik Peter; Szváljávcsik Péter; Свалявчик Петро
2022Tools and Techniques of Effective Foreing Language TeachingAncsa Dominika; Анча Домініка
2022Methods of teaching grammar of modern English as a foreign language in secondary schools of TranscarpathiaHomoki Edina; Гомокі Едіна
2022Attitudes and use of American English by adolescent EFL LearnersFigyász Erika; Фідяс Еріка
2022Language learning strategies and their effect on lexical acquisition and retentionBiba Alexandra; Біба Олександра
2022Use of "Friends" series in Teaching EnglishSabov Dora; Szabó Dóra; Сабов Дора
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 61 to 80 of 154