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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 81 to 100 of 154
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2022Impact and Consequences of Distance LearningRobert Mate Balogh; Балог Роберт-Матей; Balogh Róbert Máté
2022English vocabulary learning strategy use of upper secondary school learnersPalkó Vivien-Éva; Палко Вівіен-Ева
2022Exploring English as a foreign language learning motivation of high school learnersOros Kristina; Орос Крістіна; Orosz Krisztina
2022Stylistic devices of satire in the novel “Gulliver’s Travels” by Jonathan SwiftTuly Alexandra; Туль Олександра
2022Existential themes of novels by Charles Dickens and Charlotte Bronte (themes of childhood, work, death and grief)Torszka Angelika; Торська Анжеліка
2022Biblical allusions and the role of symbolism in the novel „The Old Man and the Sea” by E. M. HemingwayPallagi Máté Ákos; Паллагі Матей Акош
2022The theme of morality, beauty and false values in Oscar Wilde's novel "The Picture of Dorian Gray"Antonia Kasztner; Кастнер Антонія; Kasztner Antónia
2022Successful language learning strategy use in face-to-face and online educationVarga Adrienn; Варга Адріен
2022Comparative analysis of the gothic and detective literary works by Edgar Allan PoeClaudia Balogh; Balogh Klaudia; Балог Клавдія
2021Allegory, metaphor and grotesque in the novel “Gulliver’s Travels” by Jonathan SwiftSvajger Katalin; Швайгер Катерина
2021Films and Streaming Media as English Language Learning ToolsKovács Gergely; Ковач Гергель
2021The Use of Creative Tasks as a Means of Developing Learners’ Basic Language SkillsIvan Danko; Данко Іван; Dankó Iván
2021Literature as Content for Language TeachingBakos Ilona; Бакош Олена
2021The American Dream in Twentieth Century English LiteratureTóth Enikő; Товт Еніке
2021Aspects of Testing Vocabulary in Secondary EducationDancs Claudia-Beatrix; Данч Клаудія-Беатрікс
2021Effective Methods to Evaluate Learners’ Learning ActivityPrykhodko Ljudmilla; Приходько Людмила
2021Intentional and Incidental Foreign Language Vocabulary LearningOlena Siladi; Сіладі Олена; Szilágyi Olena
2021English writing skills assessment of Form 9, 10 and 11 learners: evidence from tests and questionnairesSzabó Bianka; Сабов Біанка
2021EFL Assessment in Primary EducationKornélia Zahachevszka; Загачевська Корнелія; Zahacsevszka Kornélia
2021Difficulties of teaching and learning English grammarVass Nikoletta; Ваш Ніколетта
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 81 to 100 of 154