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Title: The possibility of a new trend in the teaching of physical education in schools
Authors: Molnár Ákos
Prisztóka Gyöngyvér
Keywords: physical education;school
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: II. Rákóczi Ferenc Kárpátaljai Magyar Főiskola
Type: dc.type.researchStudy
Citation: In Berghauer-Olasz Emőke et al (szerk.): Krízishelyzetek hatása és kihívásai az oktatásban. Nemzetközi tudományos konferencia Beregszász, 2023. március 30-31. Tanulmánykötet. Beregszász, II. Rákóczi Ferenc Kárpátaljai Magyar Főiskola, 2024. pp. 313-326.
Abstract: Abstract. In the last 30 years, we have witnessed a global paradigm shift, where the internet has democratised knowledge and digitalisation has opened up the global online space. In this addictive era, the young "homo digitalis" generations have a mindset based on audiovisual media and their lives are shaped by a contemporary dominant culture. At the same time, the lack of environmental stimulation and the experience of virtual personhood have led to a feeling of psychological emptiness and loneliness, a sedentary lifestyle (homo sedens) has become trendy and socialisation processes have been impaired by the decline of tactile interpersonal communication and the functional use of bubble relationships. Changing global social megatrends require the acquisition of new human skills and competences, to which the education system must adapt. Innovative methodological reforms are needed in the teaching of physical education in schools (Csapó 2000) in order to make sport trendy again and to restore health-conscious behaviour in the lives of new generations. The system of daily physical education in schools introduced in 2012 (Act CXC of 2011) provides an excellent opportunity for physical education teachers (Bognár 2019). Dance should be given the same role in education as any other subject and this form of movement should be integrated to become fundemental to the educational system (Robinson 2015). The manifestation of this ancient key to innovation in the classroom setting of physical education is unique and inimitable. Dance is also a behavioural synchronizer (Mikonya 2013), a means of self-expression that shapes personality (Antal 2008), and a mediator of values and norms that shape character (Makai 2016). As a mobile mother tongue, it develops national consciousness (Kraiciné 2008), a way of communication that is also seen as a carrier of cultural value (Domokos 2013). By developing social relationships and social competence, it can be an antidote to the relational distortions that characterise contemporary societies. There is still a long way to go before dance is integrated into the curriculum and increased number of lessons is introduced at the curriculum level in the national education policy, but the growing body of research on this topic in Hungary gives reason for hope (Fehér-Borsos et al. 2014; Pignitzkyné-Lévai 2014; Rajna 2015; Balatoni-Kovács 2015; Hamar et al. 2018; Lanszki-PappDanka-Szabó 2021; Láng-Bognár 2021; Molnár-Prisztóka 2021; ReinerHorváth-Ekler 2022) and nowadays many academics are voicing the place of dance and the need for its integration into the public education system. Through our multi-perspective studies, we aim to demonstrate that dance's diverse movement system is experiential, can be used as a tool to encourage physical activity, serves the ability to build and maintain ideal interpersonal relationships and relationships in classroom communities, and is effective in reviving physical education in schools.
ISBN: 978-617-8143-16-9 (PDF)
Appears in Collections:Krízishelyzetek hatása és kihívásai az oktatásban. Tanulmánykötet

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