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Title: Ecoenergy Tourism, Study Into Some Aspects of Relationship Between Use of Renewable Energy Resources and Sustainable Regional and Rural Development
Authors: Dávid Lóránt Dénes
Molnár Csilla
Joanna Kosmaczewska
Fodor Gyula
Zsarnóczky Martin
Varga Imre
Zuzana Palencikova
Zsarnoczky Martin
Давід Лорант Денеш
Фодор Дюло
Zuzana Palenčíková
Keywords: renewable energy sources;sustainable regional and rural development;environmental education;sample projects;ecoenergy tourism
Issue Date: 2019
Publisher: Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies
Type: dc.type.collaborative
Citation: In Larisa Malinovska, Osadcuks Vitalijs (eds.): 18th International Scientific Conference Engineering for Rural Development. Proceedings, Volume 18. May 22-24, 2019. Jelgava, Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies, 2019. pp. 1478-1483.
Series/Report no.: ;Volume 18.
Abstract: Abstract. The use of renewable energy resources (RES) can have multiple positive effects on the development of regional and local economies. This sector has been indicating a significant and undiminished growth as well as is sensitive to maintain its environmental image. However, to sustain the sector’s success, a rather complex system of environmental, economic, social and political requirements has to be fulfilled. Among them, this study intends to focus on some relevant social aspects. Public attitudes to RES are closely related to the level of knowledge on the various technologies that, in many cases, indicate perceived limitations. A display and presentation of implemented projects can be of key importance in raising this limited level of knowledge as well as in providing publicity and wide-spreading these technologies. RES-related investments and facilities have become tourist attractions at several regions worldwide. Their target audiences cannot be limited to experts, but such activities can also play an important role in environmental education. This study, based on international and Hungarian examples, intends to give a review on the extent of such potentials of the ecoenergy tourism sector exploited by the operators of implemented RES-related projects and also the possibilities of this sector be linked with other tourism development sectors. The fulfilment of various requirements and overcoming the main challenges in order to make such implemented projects as tourist products eventually contributing not only to the sector’s successfulness, but also to the development of the region involved by RES investments is also investigated. Based on the conclusions drawn by the projects analysed, a great improvement potential seems to be available both regarding the elaboration of information and educational materials, and the integration of the ecoenergy tourism sector into other development objectives.
ISSN: 1691-5976
Appears in Collections:Dávid Lóránt Dénes
Fodor Gyula

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David_Lorant_D_Fodor_Gy_Ecoenergy_Tourism_Study_Into_Some_Aspects_of_Relationship_2019.pdfIn Larisa Malinovska, Osadcuks Vitalijs (eds.): 18th International Scientific Conference Engineering for Rural Development. Proceedings, Volume 18. May 22-24, 2019. Jelgava, Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies, 2019. pp. 1478-1483.724.54 kBAdobe PDFView/Open

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