Ezzel az azonosítóval hivatkozhat erre a dokumentumra forrásmegjelölésben vagy hiperhivatkozás esetén: https://dspace.kmf.uz.ua/jspui/handle/123456789/169
Cím: The influence of social background on learning a foreign language
Szerző(k): Siladi Vasyl
Szilágyi László
Сіладі Василь
Kulcsszavak: motivation;language strategy;education;condition;knowledge;curriculum;development;success;support
Kiadás dátuma: 2019
Kiadó: Skleněný Můstek-MCNlP
Típus: dc.type.article
Hivatkozás: In L. N. Katjuhin, I. A. Salov, I. S. Danilova, N. S. Burina (eds.): ADVANCES OF SCIENCE. Proceedings of articles the international scientific conference. Czech Republic, Karlovy Vary – Ukraine, Kyiv, 5 April 2019. Karlovy Vary-Kyiv, Skleněný Můstek-MCNlP, 2019. pp. 237-244.
Absztrakt: Abstract. School can play an important role in the formation, conservation or mitigation of social differences among students. The school is the institution where these social differences are best observed and measured. [3] Nowadays, the increase in differences between students is rising, and the reason for this trend is strong school selection. Nowadays, parents and their children can choose the right one from a multitude of schools, and this increases the proportion of pupils in so-called 'elite' schools, while others can attend less quality education.
URI: http://dspace.kmf.uz.ua:8080/jspui/handle/123456789/169
ISBN: 978-80-7534-078-8
metadata.dc.rights.uri: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/us/
Ebben a gyűjteményben:Szilágyi László

Fájlok a dokumentumban:
Fájl Leírás MéretFormátum 
Szilagyi_L_The_influence_of_social_background_on_learning_2019.pdfIn L. N. Katjuhin, I. A. Salov, I. S. Danilova, N. S. Burina (eds.): ADVANCES OF SCIENCE. Proceedings of articles the international scientific conference. Czech Republic, Karlovy Vary – Ukraine, Kyiv, 5 April 2019. Karlovy Vary-Kyiv, Skleněný Můstek-MCNlP, 2019. pp. 237-244.1.84 MBAdobe PDFMegtekintés/Megnyitás

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